Environmental Development Business
This scarce country of resources “NIPPON!
Based on the most advanced electronics technology, we will dedicate ourselves to contribute to this country with all kinds of renewable energy projects in the ” era of energy creation”.
Photovoltaic power generation business
Photovoltaic power generation consulting business
Sales business for Domestic and overseas Photovoltaic panel, mounts, power conditioners, junction boxes and PV cables.
Design and sales of Photovoltaic power gerenation plant wireless string monitoring system
Main manufacturers handled
Clean Energy Japan Co.
We offer flexible Photovoltaic mounting systems for each mega-Photovoltaic purpose and for a variety of installation conditions, including sloped sites.
Biomass power generation business
Development of biomass power plant
Biomass CHP Engineering
Its primary business in Japan is the design, manufacture, and assembly of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) biomass plants capable of generating high power efficiency levels on a below 2-megawatt scale.
No choice of fuel !
We have facilities established and operating in Europe and Latin America using fuels such as rice husks, chicken manure, sugarcane, and other fuels that are known to be a burden on combustion equipment. Based on over 50 years of experience and more than 1,500 facility locations (450 for biomass facilities), we propose the design and manufacture of ORC plants for Japan. This is the best framework for community-based energy utilization using agricultural, forestry, and fishery wastes.
To enable local production and local consumption of renewable fuels, we will design plants based on ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) technology that can efficiently operate medium- and small-scale plants of up to 2 megawatts. Mono-firing and co-firing of a variety of fuels such as bamboo with an upper moisture content of up to 60%, rice husks, and sludge, and also water-free operation is possible in areas without water availability. We propose customized systems and installation plans that flexibly accommodate a variety of fuels and geographic characteristics.
Main manufacturers handled
Valfortec is a business group founded in Castellón, Spain and has been working in this solar sector since 2005. We are engaged in solar power business, offering investors all stages from pre-design to installation, construction, commissioning and subsequent maintenance, coordinating all stages from the group’s various areas of expertise.
Storage Battery System Business
Are you fully prepared for power outages caused by natural disasters that could happen at any time?
The problem in times of disaster is the interruption of lifelines.
Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, demand for storage batteries has been increasing from companies, organizations, hospitals, local governments, childcare and nursing care facilities, and other facilities, public facilities, and evacuation centers that serve as disaster centers to prepare for large-scale natural disasters.
A minimum infrastructure must be in place to promptly execute a business continuity plan (BCP) in the event of a disaster.
Among these, securing an emergency power supply that can cope with prolonged power outages is of great importance. By installing storage batteries, measures to secure emergency power sources and maintain functions can be realized.
We will contribute to the spread of renewable energy by utilizing our accumulated business experience to build a storage battery system that is easy for power generators to adopt.