Basic Policy for Appropriate Handling of Personal Information
(Privacy Policy)

Name and Address of the Company Handling Personal Information and Name of its Representative


Address: 20 Kandamatsunaga-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Title and name of the representative: Katsutoshi Suzuki, CEO

Compliance with Relevant Laws and Regulations, Guidelines, etc.

In relation to the handling of personal information, personal data in our possession, pseudonymous processed information and anonymous processed information (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Personal Information”), we, the above-named company, shall comply with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” (Personal Information Protection Act) and relevant cabinet and ministerial ordinances, guidelines, etc.

Purposes of Use

We will use the personal information provided and personal data in our possession for the purposes stated below.

(1) Performance of sales agreements with customers, maintenance agreements and outsourcing agreements, etc.

(2) Analysis intended for the quality improvement and enhancement of the goods or services handled by us

(3) Delivery, support and maintenance of the goods or services sold to customers

(4) Notification of new goods, new services or various campaigns to customers

(5) Performance of business activities jointly with our group companies for any of the purposes of the items stated above

Matters relating to the Joint Use

We will use the personal data in our possession jointly with our domestic group companies within the scope stated below.
(1) Items of personal data that will be used jointly
Names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of customers, description of their business transactions with us, contents of their inquiries to us or other customer information provided by relevant customers
(2) Scope of parties that will jointly use such data
Our domestic group companies listed here
(3) Purposes of use by parties that will jointly use such data
For our domestic group companies to perform business activities jointly with us for purposes relating to the personal information of customers and the personal data in our possession as stated in items (1) through (4) of Section 3 (Purposes of Use) stated above.
(4) Name and address of the party responsible for management of such personal data and name of its representative
Address: 20 Kandamatsunaga-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Title and name of the representative: Katsutoshi Suzuki, CEO

Matters for Safety Management Measures

For the purposes of preventing leakage, loss or destruction of personal data and other appropriate management of personal data, we shall comply with the “Rules for Management of Personal Information” separately established and shall provide answers without delay in accordance with a request by the person in question.
In the event of any question about measures taken for the safety management of personal data in our possession, please contact us.


We may outsource the handling of the Personal Information to a third party. In this case, we shall supervise the outsourcee as necessary and appropriate in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act.

Continuous Improvement

We will exert efforts to continuously improve the manner of handling the Personal Information.

Disclosure, etc. of Personal Data in Our Possession

If requested by the person in question or his/her representative to disclose such personal data in our possession, notify the purpose of use, correct/add/delete data, suspend the use, eliminate the data, stop providing the data to a third party or disclose records provided by a third party, we shall respond to such request without delay except in the following cases.
(1) Where such response may impair the life, body, properties or other rights or interests of the person in question or a third party.
(2) Where such response may significantly hinder the appropriate conduct of our businesses.
(3) Where such response may violate any laws and regulations.

To request us to disclose personal data, notify the purpose of use, correct/add/delete data, suspend the use, eliminate the data, stop providing the data to a third party or disclose records provided by a third party, please the contact for inquiries and complaint management as below..

Contact for Inquiries and Complaint Management

For any inquiry or complaint about our handling of Personal Information, please contact us.

Established on February 1, 2007
Revised on May 30, 2017
Revised on April 1, 2022